Mangapapa Murals

Michael, Dana, Braden with the 2013 mural


Each year, the students in their final year, create an art piece as a taonga for the school.  In 2013 the mural project was created mostly by four students, but each of our 90 year 6's contributed in some way.  The mural was inspired by the work of New Zealand artist Rachel Harris. It  is the story of our students journey through school so far, the pathways they may take and what they will find within themselves as they grow. 

  • Greenstone - new beginnings and peace

  • Six koru - growth in their six years here

  • A wave - unstopable and strong

  • Huia feather - a symbol of mana

  • Kete - the container of knowledge and wisdom

  • Rising sun - life, light and learning.